The kick-off meeting of the INCEPTION project was held in Ferrara, Italy, on 22nd-23rd June 2015. All consortium members were present.
There were 2 days in which not only the partners were able to get to know each other better but the whole consortium could share their vision of the project. In addition, the strategic aim, research goals and challenges that will come along the way were broadly and detailed addressed.The first day of the meeting was dedicated to the plenary discussion by the work package leaders on goals, target results and action plans for each work package.The last day of the meeting was reserved for two main sessions: a plenary discussions on the overall planning and WPs interdependencies as a result of the first day meeting, sharing ideas, approaches and proposed collaborations with other work packages; three specific speeches on cultural heritage knowledge, Heritage-BIM and Demonstration Cases were also held.We look forward to an upcoming research period full of high-quality achievements that will lead to a successful implementation of the results.