The INCEPTION Consortium Meeting at M13 was hosted by DEMO in Delft, The Netherlands, from the 30th of June to 1st of July 2016. All partners participated in this Consortium Meeting.Key activities related to Y1 results and progress for each partner have been presented, particularly regarding the preparation of the first review meeting scheduled on September in Brussels. The first day of the meeting was dedicated to the presentation and plenary discussion of results achieved during Y1 and partners activities. A specific session was dedicated to the discussion by the Work Package leaders on targets results and action plans for each work package, achieved results, submitted Deliverables and table of contents of coming Deliverables. The second day of the meeting was reserved for the preparation of the next Consortium Meeting, that will be held in Cyprus, in conjunction with EuroMed conference, for the setting up of AR and VR state of the art and for three technical meetings focused on three of the main research topics and ongoing activities: