| | 27/04/2017 | Consortium meeting in Ljubljana, Slovenia | The 5th Consortium Meeting of INCEPTION project took place in Ljubljana, Slovenia, on the 27th and 28th April 2017. Representatives of all partners met at the Faculty of Civil and Geodetic Engineering at the University of Ljubljana. The first day focused on the progress of the project. Work Package leaders presented their progress on the current tasks and deliverables. Various new proposed ideas and approaches helped the project get on track and gain a new perspective. Discussion on goals, target results and action plans for each Work Package has allowed deepening Table of Contents of upcoming deliverables at M24. A special session was dedicated to dissemination activities and the organization of next INCEPTION Summer Schools. On the second day, an Exploitation Strategy Seminar (ESS) took place in order to help partners find new marketing paths for final products as well as market introduction approaches, after the project’s completion. The next meeting will be held in November 2017, in Athens (EL) and it will be hosted by the National Technical University of Athens (CUTA). Date still to be decided. 

| | | | | 22/03/2017 | 22th – 24th March 2017 | The INCEPTION project will be presented within the XXIV edition of the "Fair of the Conservation, Technology and Promotion of Cultural and Environmental Heritage" (Restauro Musei - Salone dell'Economia, della Conservazione, delle Tecnologie e della Valorizzazione dei Beni Culturali e Ambientali), to be held in Ferrara on 22-24 March 2017. The Fair is an international showcase that will see the participation of several Cultural Institutions, Universities, Research Centers, Public Bodies, Delegations from around the world and Authorities such as the Italian Minister of Cultural Heritage. Along with the exhibition, INCEPTION will also host interactive technical workshops within the exhibition area.
| | | | | 10/11/2016 | 10-11-2016 | | | | | | 01/11/2016 | 1-11-2016 | | | | | | 01/11/2016 | Consortium meeting in Limassol, Cyprus | The 4th Consortium meeting at M17 will be hosted by CUT in Limassol, Cyprus, during two full days meeting between the 31th of October and the 5th of November 2016. All partners will be represented in this Consortium Meeting. The assembly will host the first plenary meeting with Stakeholder Panel members.
| | | | | 31/10/2016 | 31-10-2016 | | | | | | 01/06/2016 | Consortium meeting in Sofia, Bulgaria | The INCEPTION Consortium meeting at M6 was held in Sofia, Bulgaria, on 9th-11th November 2015. Key activities related to management and coordination have been presented, particularly regarding Deliverables deadlines Calendar, appointment of internal reviewers, final corporate image and logo usage, use of the SharePoint, financial report and Time-Sheets. 
The first day of the meeting was dedicated to the plenary discussion by the work package leaders on goals, target results and action plans for each work package, together with Table of Contents of coming deliverables. The second day of the meeting was reserved for three workshops: a workshop focused on WP1-WP2 inter-dependent activities; a workshop on relation between WP1 (knowledge management and Stakeholders involvement) and WP5 (Demonstration Cases); a workshop on WP3-WP4 in order to start the initial steps of the research concerning BIM semantic modelling and software application, defining semantic and graphic information for an inclusive Cultural Heritage knowledge.
A specific session during the third day focused on dissemination and exploitation activities. During the meeting conclusion and final recommendations by the Project Coordinator, WP leaders presented their Action Plans. | | | | | 06/04/2016 | Salone dell'Economia, della Conservazione, delle Tecnologie e della Valorizzazione dei Beni Culturali | The INCEPTION project has been presented within the "Salone dell'Economia, della Conservazione, delle Tecnologie e della Valorizzazione dei Beni Culturali" (Fair of the Conservation, Technology and Promotion of Cultural and Environmental Heritage), held in Ferrara on 6th-8th April 2016. The Fair is an international showcase with the participation of the Italian Minister of Cultural Heritage and other authorities, Universities, Public Bodies and Cultural Institutions. The International Event has been the opportunity to present some of the main INCEPTION purposes and activities related to the ongoing stages. The project has been presented by means of an exhibition area showing the main innovation related to the 3D data capturing and modelling of Cultural Heritage, in order to emphasize the first steps of the research.    
| | | | | 30/06/2016 | Consortium meeting in Delft, the Netherlands | The INCEPTION Consortium Meeting at M13 was hosted by DEMO in Delft, The Netherlands, from the 30th of June to 1st of July 2016. All partners participated in this Consortium Meeting. Key activities related to Y1 results and progress for each partner have been presented, particularly regarding the preparation of the first review meeting scheduled on September in Brussels. The first day of the meeting was dedicated to the presentation and plenary discussion of results achieved during Y1 and partners activities. A specific session was dedicated to the discussion by the Work Package leaders on targets results and action plans for each work package, achieved results, submitted Deliverables and table of contents of coming Deliverables. The second day of the meeting was reserved for the preparation of the next Consortium Meeting, that will be held in Cyprus, in conjunction with EuroMed conference, for the setting up of AR and VR state of the art and for three technical meetings focused on three of the main research topics and ongoing activities:
- WPs 3-4 Technical meeting
- WPs 1-2 Technical meeting
- WP6 Technical meeting
The meeting was concluded with a session focused on Stakeholder panel, Stakeholder questionnaire and Demonstration cases.
| | | | | 17/04/2015 | Pre kick-off meeting in Ferrara, Italy | The pre kick-off meeting of the INCEPTION project took place on the 17th of April 2015. The Project Coordinator Roberto Di Giulio from UNIFE welcomed the INCEPTION partners in Ferrara, Italy, at the Department of Architecture, University of Ferrara. Among the present partners from the Consortium there were: Roberto Di Giulio (UNIFE) Federica Maietti (UNIFE) Emanuele Piaia (UNIFE) Silvia Brunoro (UNIFE) Federico Ferrari (UNIFE) Marco Medici (UNIFE) Rizal Sebastian (DMO) Peter Bonsma (RDF) Dimitrios Karadimas (VBC) Roko Zarnic (UL) The group met to pre-launch this 4-year European sponsored project. During the meeting the Project Coordinator presented the overall project methodology and trans-disciplinary approach related to an inclusive understanding of European Cultural Heritage through 3D semantic modelling. The project partners discussed mainly the global schedule of the project (work packages and deliverables) and clarified the approach of this Horizon2020 framework project. Also the details of the content, responsibilities and outputs of the project were identified. 
| | | | | 22/06/2015 | Kick-off meeting in Ferrara, Italy | The kick-off meeting of the INCEPTION project was held in Ferrara, Italy, on 22nd-23rd June 2015. All consortium members were present. There were 2 days in which not only the partners were able to get to know each other better but the whole consortium could share their vision of the project. In addition, the strategic aim, research goals and challenges that will come along the way were broadly and detailed addressed. The first day of the meeting was dedicated to the plenary discussion by the work package leaders on goals, target results and action plans for each work package. The last day of the meeting was reserved for two main sessions: a plenary discussions on the overall planning and WPs interdependencies as a result of the first day meeting, sharing ideas, approaches and proposed collaborations with other work packages; three specific speeches on cultural heritage knowledge, Heritage-BIM and Demonstration Cases were also held. We look forward to an upcoming research period full of high-quality achievements that will lead to a successful implementation of the results. 
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