| | 11/02/2019 | INCEPTION at the European Parliament Press Seminar
Project Coordinator, Prof. Roberto di Giulio has been invited to introduce INCEPTION during the EP Press Seminar: The Digital Single Market - achievements and challenges on 5 of February 2019.
See his presentation here starting from minute 17.29:

| | | | | 05/12/2018 | The INCEPTION project has been selected at the Joint conference of the European Parliament "EU research and innovation in our daily life"
On Tuesday 27 November, the Parliament hosted a conference on how research and innovation affect everyday life. From medical advances to cleaner energy and high-level engineering, research projects funded by the European Union play a key role in improving our daily lives. The INCEPTION project has been selected (as the only research project on Cultural Heritage) among 22 projects presented during the Joint conference of the European Parliament and the European Commission "EU Research and Innovation in our daily life", opened by the President of the European Parliament Antonio Tajani and by the Commissioner for Research, Science and Innovation of the European Commission Carlos Moedas. Link to the event

| | | | | 26/09/2018 | 
INCEPTION will attend the "Digital Heritage – Euromed 2018 Conference"
Info |International Conference on DIGITAL HERITAGE focusing on Documentation, Preservation and Protection. When | 29 October 2018 – 03 November 2018 Where | Filoxenia Conference Centre, Nicosia, Cyprus Link | http://www.euromed2018.eu | | | | | 26/09/2018 | 
The INCEPTION consortium is launching the Second INCEPTION course. Filoxenia Conference Centre in Nicosia (Cyprus) will host - on 1st and 2nd of November 2018 - sixteen lectures focused on "Cultural Heritage H-BIM". The INCEPTION courses are addressed to: - European students of different Disciplines in the field of Cultural Heritage survey, documentation and representation (Architecture, Engineer, Survey Engineering, Digital Humanities);
- Professionals of all Disciplines involved in Cultural Heritage Protection and Historic buildings conservation;
- Specialized employees of the Ministry of Culture and the Municipality of Athens (Archaeologists, Conservators, Restorers, Engineers and others).
The purpose is to disseminate the INCEPTION concepts, methodologies and techniques as well as to demonstrate their implementation on use cases and real demonstration cases. | | | | | 26/09/2018 |  The INCEPTION
paper "Handling huge and complex 3D geometries with Semantic Web
technology" - submitted for the International Conference Florence
Heri-Tech: the Future of Heritage Science and technologies, held from 16-18 may
2018, in Florence - was awarded as the Best Paper ICT and Digital
Heritage. Best Paper ICT and Digital Heritage.pdf | | | | | 25/09/2018 | INCEPTION participated in the "Training school Digital Heritage" promoted by COST Action TD 1406 Info | The COST TD 1406 Training School addressed issues related with Innovation in Intelligent Management of Heritage Buildings and Digital Heritage based on the research results of EU FP7, H2020 and INTERREG projects in particular from those that contribute to program of the Training School When | 4-6 April 2018 Where | Jelenov Greben, Olimje, Podcetrtek, Slovenia. | | | | | 14/05/2018 | The next Friday 18th May, INCEPTION will be presented within the International Conference "Florence Heri-Tech - The Future of Heritage Science and Technologies". The project presentations has been included both in the "European Plenary Session" and in the parallel session "ICT and Digital Heritage".
The Future of Heritage Science and Technologies Conference involves a large number of researchers and scholars from around the world and puts the industry's current issues under the spotlight, specifically on issues related to innovative techniques and technologies. The Conference is part of the Florence International Biennal for Art and Restoration, an international event attracting prestigious institutions and companies and creating a unique opportunity to bring together the academic world with industry. Heri-Tech is the first International Conference to welcome major researchers and scholars from all over the world, focusing on current and future issues related to innovative techniques and technologies. The city of Florence will therefore be the international heart of Restoration and Cultural and Environmental assets as well as a forum for meeting and discussing for experts, operators and enthusiasts from around the world. The Conference will be a significant opportunity for exchange between researchers and companies for the promotion of productive excellence, technological evolution, the greater use of culture for younger sections of the population and specialization in the educational field for graduates and PhD students. INCEPTION will be presented on Thursday 17th, within the parallel session "ICT and Digital Heritage" with the presentation of the paper "Handling huge and complex 3D geometries with Semantic Web technology", and on Friday 18th within the "European Plenary Session" with the presentation of "Enhancing Heritage fruition through 3D semantic modelling and digital tools: the INCEPTION project".
Info International Conference Florence Heri-Tech | The Future of Heritage Science and Technologies When | 16-18 May 2018 Where | Villa Vittoria, Palazzo dei Congressi, Piazza Adua 1, Florence, Italy Link http://www.florenceheritech.com
| | | | | 15/03/2018 | Digital reconstruction of Ospedale degli Innocenti in 1843 The INCEPTION project has been invited to the "Innovation and Cultural Heritage Conference", that will be held in Brussels the next 20 March 2018. The latest INCEPTION achievements will be shown as "Live demonstration of cultural heritage research projects". The title of the demo is "Immersive Cultural Heritage Experience. For an inclusive understanding of European assets". The demonstration will present a video and an immersive experience - through the use of headsets - of some of the heritage sites digitized within the INCEPTION project. Videos allow to view and be immersed into "point clouds", that are digital representations of 3D survey of historical buildings. These will allow to explain to a broad audience how it is possible to perform a digital representation of cultural heritage. Additional videos will be related to historical reconstructions of buildings. Virtual Tours in Virtual Reality Headset will present in an immersive way some sites digitized and enriched with additional narrative information. The high-level Horizon 2020 conference – organised by the European Commission Directorate General for Research and Innovation, in close cooperation with Directorates General for Education and Culture and for Communications Networks, Content and Technology – will showcase the dialogue between contemporary European society and the most promising innovations in the field of Cultural Heritage that European policies and funds have supported. The conference is part of the programme of the European Year of Cultural Heritage and will contribute to its legacy by launching the public discussion about the objectives of European research and innovation policy for Cultural Heritage beyond 2020. Info Innovation and Cultural Heritage - High-level Horizon 2020 conference of The European Year of Cultural Heritage When | Tuesday 20 March 2018, 8.30 (CET) Where | Royal Museum of Arts and History, 1000 Brussels, Belgium Link https://ec.europa.eu/info/events/innovation-and-cultural-heritage-2018-mar-20_en | | | | | 06/11/2017 |
In conclusion of the second period of the research project (M30) the INCEPTION consortium is going to launch the INCEPTION course. The Patisson Historic complex of the National Technical University of Athens (NTUA) and the Technical Chamber of Greece in Athens will host - on 6th and 7th of November 2017 - sixteen lectures focused on “Cultural Heritage H-BIM”:
- Lecture 1: Keynote – General introduction
- Lecture 2: On the significances of Cultural Heritage assets
- Lecture 3: Knowledge management approach
- Lecture 4: 3D acquisition and modelling of complex heritage buildings: the INCEPTION Protocol
- Lecture 5: Enhanced field workflow for 3D laser scanning
- Lecture 6: Usability of 3D documentation methods for the creation of H-BIM models
- Lecture 7: Introduction to semantic web standards and their application on INCEPTION
- Lecture 8: INCEPTION H-BIM Ontology
- Lecture 9: INCEPTION platform architecture and IT technical solutions
- Lecture 10: Innovative Business plans for H-BIM application related to alternative financing opportunities for Cultural Heritage
- Lecture 11: Presentation of the Villa Klonaridi demo case
- Lecture 12: Non-destructive techniques prospection in diagnosis and strategic planning
- Lecture 13: 3D BIM Modelling and AR/VR App for the Hydra Museum (HAMH) Demonstration Case
- Lecture 14: Creation of the point clouds & basic 3D model using AVR for the demo cases: Technical Museum Nikola Tesla in Zagreb and Cultural Heritage Municipality of Unešić
- Lecture 15: Prototype CH Asset Management and Condition Assessment tool
- Lecture 16: Impact Investing and Cultural Heritage.
The INCEPTION courses are addressed to: - European students different Disciplines in the field of Cultural Heritage survey, documentation and representation (Architecture, Engineer, Survey Engineering, Digital Humanities, and universities
- Professionals of all Disciplines involved in Cultural Heritage Protection and Historic buildings conservation;
- Specialized employees of the Ministry of Culture and the Municipality of Athens (Archaeologists, Conservators, Restorers, Engineers and others).
The purpose is to disseminate the INCEPTION concepts, methodologies and techniques as well as to demonstrate their implementation on use cases and real demonstration cases. During the two days of lectures are also included two important visit to the following local example of cultural heritage: - Villa Klonaridi (neoclassical building and demo case of the INCEPTION project)
- Hephaestus Temple – Thission (classical period of ancient Greece).
At the end of the INCEPTION courses will start the 6th Consortium meeting of the project hosted by NTUA. The meeting will take place at the General Assembly Hall at the Technical Chamber of Greece. Please, if you require further information on the event you can write to the following emails: piamnl@unife.it or mttfrc@unife.it. The lectures are available also by streaming directly from your computer using the INCEPTION educational platform: inception.unife.it. You can find the agenda of the courses and roundtable here . | | | | | 23/05/2017 | The INCEPTION project will join the Digital Heritage Conference 2017 that will be held in Olimje, Slovenia, on 23rd-25th May 2017. ITN-DCH final conference - Initial Training Network for Digital Cultural Heritage: Projecting our Past to the Future - is an international event for the professionals of multiple disciplines and scholars working in the Digital Cultural Heritage domain. The aim of the conference is to bring together experts, stakeholders and researchers from the cultural domain and, addressing the current challenges, start a dialogue that will lay the foundation for the creation of a multidisciplinary community of practice. The ITN-DCH is the first and one of the largest Marie Curie fellowship projects in the area of the e-documentation / e-preservation and CH protection funded by the European Union under the FP7 PEOPLE research framework. The Project started on the 1st of October 2013 and its consortium comprising of 14 full partners and 10 associate members covering the entire spectrum of European CH actors, ranging from academia, research institutions, industry, museums, archives and libraries. During the Digital Heritage Conference events INCEPTION will present some of the main outcomes achieved during the first two years of project in the field of 3D Data Acquisition, Processing and Modelling and Metadata, Semantics and Ontologies. 
| | | | | 06/05/2017 | “Without you realising, science is all around you. From the moment you get up in the morning until you go to bed, European research is part of your everyday life. The EU runs the biggest research and innovation programme in the world: Horizon 2020”. INCEPTION participated in the stand EU Science around the clock!, dedicated in particular to the "Research and Innovation" projects, during the Open Day of the European Institutions on 6 May 2017. Approximately 12,000 visitors came to the Open Day, and the exhibition of some of the main outcomes from INCEPTION contributed to show how important research and innovation are for the European economy and quality of life. Through a playful and interactive walk by 30 stands, this 25th edition of the Open Day in the Berlaymont presented the main policies of the EU, highlighting the 60th anniversary of the Rome Treaties, the 5 scenario's on the future of Europe, the European Solidarity Corps and the 30th anniversary of the Erasmus+. INCEPTION presented some of the preliminary outcomes on Virtual Reality of heritage as tools for the practical application of multi-informative 3D models. The application of different digital acquisition systems for the development of a three-dimensional modelling dedicated to making digital models used by different categories of users belonging to different disciplines is one of the main objectives of the project in terms of "inclusive cultural heritage". The Virtual Tours presented to ''Open Doors Day" by means of Headsets allowed visitors to explore one of the INCEPTION Demonstration Cases, the Istituto degli Innocenti in Florence by Brunelleschi, and other historical environments. Another Virtual Tour showed the building of the Department of Architecture of the University of Ferrara, a fifteenth-century building in the historic centre of Ferrara. Other three-dimensional models such as the Laurentian Library by Michelangelo in Florence and the archaeological site of Geguti Palace near Kutaisi, Georgia, were presented as a result of the activity of advanced 3D integrated survey. 

Additional pictures on www.facebook.com/InceptionEU
| | | | | 06/05/2017 | The INCEPTION project has been selected by the European Commission to be presented during the events of the Europe Day 2017, a series of initiatives to celebrate the European Union and that each year attract thousands of visitors.
As part of these events, the upcoming May 6 INCEPTION will be presented in Brussels within the stands of the European Commission dedicated in particular to the "Research and Innovation" projects. The event, called "Open Doors Day", is held annually and aims to exhibit and explain the activities and the benefits that programs funded by the European Union bring to citizens. This year, the “Research and Innovation” stand will celebrate the 60 years of the Treaties of Rome, that gave birth to the EU of today, showcasing the research projects that are making a difference in our lives. 
INCEPTION, now in its second year of development, will present on this occasion some of the preliminary outcomes on Virtual Reality of heritage as tools for the practical application of multi-informative 3D models. The application of different digital acquisition systems for the development of a three-dimensional modeling dedicated to making digital models used by different categories of users belonging to different disciplines is indeed one of the main objectives of the project in terms of "inclusive cultural heritage". The Virtual Tours that will be presented to ''Open Doors Day" will allow visitors to explore one of the INCEPTION Demonstration Cases, the Istituto degli Innocenti in Florence by Brunelleschi and other historical environments. Other three-dimensional models such as the Laurentian Library by Michelangelo in Florence, the Cathedral of Pisa, the Citadel of Gozo in Malta, the Forum of Pompeii, Santa Maria Novella in Florence, San Sebastiano in Mantua of Leon Battista Alberti will be presented as a result of the activity of advanced 3D integrated survey. Link
https://europa.eu/european-union/about-eu/symbols/europe-day_en#visit_the_european_institutions | | |