The Consorzio Futuro in Ricerca (CFR) – whose original name, until July 1st, 2014, was Consorzio Ferrara Ricerche - is a private non-profit organization originally founded by a number of local organizations in the Ferrara area (Province, City Council, Hospitals, SME and the University of Ferrara) to develop and manage research projects on several themes, including the environment and training. The institutional activities performed by CFR consist in carrying out research activities through highly specialized personnel in the specific areas of interest foreseen by the projects, the conclusion and technical-administrative management of research contracts, in the coordination of scientific events, and in the organization of educational events on behalf of public and private companies on a local, national or international scale. There is a strong connection between the University of Ferrara and CFR both for research and training from a practical viewpoint, the CFR premises are located on the Technology Campus of the University. In the course of its history the CFR managed over 4100 research contracts also through the partnership with other research centre and institute public and private. CFR and the University of Ferrara has been performing excellently activities on academic and research field. Main activities include participation and coordination of research projects funded by both public and private national and international organisation, such as the European Commission. Two significant aspects emerge concerning the identity of CFR:
-The Multidisciplinary structure that characterises most of the operative units;
-The Central role of international relationships for research activities development.
Main roles in INCEPTION
- T 1.1, T 1.2, T 1.3: Stakeholders mapping, Input to verify user’s requirements and performance assessment.
- T 2.4: Software and tool support for practical guidance on point clouds into BIM for heritage usability
- T 3.1, T 3.2, T 3.3: Enhancement and integration of the developing semantic information for practical guidance on multi-data point clouds and triangle meshes handling into BIM software for heritage usability.
- T 4.2: Being responsible as a leader for a Cloud-based platform architecture for heritage accessing, by developing a database repository to save and share 3D models with the associated semantic information, documents and all the other possible contributions delivered by external users.
- T 4.4: Being responsible as a leader for the semantic search engine and inclusive web interface, by developing a web application that allow to search with specific keywords contained in the semantic information.
- T 6.1, T 6.2, T 6.3: Active role in the developing and validating of mobile user device, testing user application, data extraction. Being responsible as a leader of T 6.3 for the development of the off-site deployment of 3D models.
- T 7.1: Active participation in dissemination plan, publications in professional journals, workshops and presentation to professional associations.
- T 8.1, T 8.3: CFR will support the Coordinator for what concern project meetings organization and administrative management.
Key persons involved
STEFANIA CORSI (female) - DirectorStefania Corsi works in CFR since its foundation (1993); she is the general director and she takes care of the full aspects related to the Consortium administration and management, also playing a key role in the relationships between CFR and other public/private entities for the execution of both research and transfer of knowledge activities. She coordinates the staff of CFR and for what deals with the project management, she strictly collaborates with Matteo Balboni and Rita Vezzali. |  |
ERNESTO IADANZA (male) - BME, CE, M. Sc., Ph.D., Adjunct Professor He is currently a member of the IFMBE Administrative Council, chairman of the International Federation for Medical and Biological Engineering/Clinical Engineering Division Board (IFMBE/CED) and chairman of the International Union for Physical and Engineering Sciences in Medicine / Education and Training Committee (IUPESM). He is also IEEE member and received the IBM Faculty Award in 2013. Section editor of the International Journal of Clinical Engineering and Healthcare Technology Assessment (CEHTA) and Member of the Editorial Board of China Medical Devices Journal and of Future Internet Journal. Member of the scientific committee, track chair and session chairman of national and international scientific conferences in Biomedical Engineering. Dr. Iadanza is the organiser of postgraduate master courses in Clinical Engineering, Healthcare Engineering and HTA at the University of Florence since 2007. Supervisor in 160+ graduation theses. Author of 120+ publications on international books, scientific journals, volumes and conference proceedings. |  |
MARCELLO BALZANI (male) - Architect, PhD, Associated professorMarcello Balzani, architect, PhD, in “Survey and representation of built environment”, associate professor at Department of Architecture of University of Ferrara. Since January 2006 he is the Director of the Departmental Center DIAPReM. He is Scientific Responsible of several national and international research projects and his activities took place in various important world archaeological sites, in monumental contexts and in relation to several smaller centres in many regions of the Italian peninsula. He has developed restoration and urban regeneration projects in several Italian historical centres. He is a member of the Italian Union for Design, of the National Institute for Urban Planning, of ICOMOS and of the Focus Area Cultural Heritage, Horizontal Issue Archaeology”. Since March 2010 he is Scientific Responsible of the TekneHub and Scientific Coordinator for the Construction Platform of Emilia-Romagna High Technology Network. | |
BEATRICE TURILLAZZI (female) - Architect, PhDBeatrice Turillazzi is an architect, PhD in "Technology of Architecture". She works at Ipostudio as architect since 1999 and technical manager since 2010. She collaborates on research projects carried out by the Department of Architecture at the University of Ferrara and Department of Architecture at the University of Florence. She has been involved at Ipostudio in several EU research projects under FP5, FP6, FP7 and H2020: Brite Euram 4670, Ariadne, IFD, EBOB, SuRE-FIT, PROFICIENT, STREAMER and INSITER. |  |