The University of Ljubljana (since 1919) encompasses 23 faculties, 3 art academies, 26 faculties, with about 47.000 undergraduate and post-graduate students. It employs about 4340 teaching and research staff that is assisted by nearly 1600 technical and administrative staff. The Faculty of Civil and Geodetic Engineering (FGG) have approximately 190 employees, 90 academics and researchers, with about 1900 undergraduate and 150 postgraduate students. The faculty is active in research and development across the full spectrum of civil and geodetic engineering. Research and educational department entitled Chair of Testing of Materials and Structures within Faculty of Civil and Geodetic Engineering of UL keeps regular under and postgraduate courses in Building materials, Retrofitting and experimental assessment of structures and Building waste management. Prof. Roko Zarnic is co-leading the ECTP Focus Area Cultural Heritage In European Construction Technology Platform. The research team of 12 researchers (including 3 Ph.D. Students) has experience in both strategic as technology oriented projects in domain of preventive conservation of cultural heritage. Laboratory of FGG is equipped for in-lab and on-site investigations related to durability and structural properties of heritage buildings and objects.
Main roles in INCEPTION
- WP1 (ALL TASKS): Being responsible as Leader of WP1 as a whole and T 1.1 in particular for the Identification of key requirements and knowledge demands that contributes to meet Europe’s societal objectives of identity and diversity thanks to the institution of a stakeholders panel.
- T 2.1: Providing technical advices for 3D data acquisition and a 3D integrated documentation protocol.
- T 5.1: Active support in the selection and the optimal description of the case study, in information acquisition, management and dissemination services provided to them.
- T 6.1, T 6.2, T 6.3: Definition of a framework for validate a user application and decision support tool. Supporting software for on-site model deployment.
- T 7.1, T 7.2: Active participation in dissemination plan, publications in professional journals, workshops and presentation to professional associations.
- T 8.1, T 8.3:: Active participation in management meetings (general assembly), fulfilment of all obligations for reporting.
Key persons involved
ROKO ZARNIC (male) - PhD, Full professor and Head of the DepartmentRoko ŽARNIĆ, Ph.D. (1992), M.Sc. (1985) and B.Sc. (1974), is professor at the Faculty for Civil and Geodetic Eng. of Univ. of Ljubljana since 1993. From 1974 to 1993 he was researcher at National Institute for Testing and Research in Materials and Structures in Ljubljana. He was visiting scholar with the Fulbright Grant to the University of Colorado at Boulder, USA, (1999). In 2006, he joined for six months the EU JRC ELSA Lab in Ispra, Italy as a national detached expert. From 2010 to 2012 he was a Minister of Environment and Spatial Planning of R. Slovenia. He was principal investigator and/or coordinator in number of international projects (EU FP4,FP5, FP6 AND FP7, bilateral SI-US); and member of MCs of several COST Actions. He coordinated the EU FP7 project EU CHIC (2009-2012). Currently, he is a co-coordinator of the activities of ECTP Focus Area Cultural Heritage (FACH). He is a member of Advisory Group of HORIZON 2020 Societal Challenge 5 since 2013.
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JANA SELIH (female) - PhD, Associate professor and Head of the DepartmentJana Šelih graduated from University of Ljubljana, Faculty of Civil and Geodetic Engineering (UL FGG), in 1987. She continued her studies at graduate level in Ljubljana, and later received the doctoral degree from University of New Brunswick, Canada, in 1994. From 1996 on, she was heading the Laboratory for Concrete at the Slovenian National Building and Civil Engineering Institute (ZAG). In 2001, she spent 8 months at University of Colorado in Boulder as a Fulbright Fellow. From 2003, she is heading the Construction Management Chair at the UL FGG. From 2009 to 2013, she was Vice Dean for Student Affairs of this Faculty. She is teaching Construction management, Operational planning, Quality management at undergraduate and Advanced methods in construction planning at graduate level. Her current research interests include sustainability assessment of built environment (oriented especially towards cultural heritage). | |
BARBARA VODOPIVEC (female) - PhD, Historian & M.Sc.MSc in sociology of culture (1999) at the University of Ljubljana, MA in History (1994) at the Central European University, Budapest, Hungary and BSc in History (1993) is researcher at the University of Ljubljana. Recently, her research work is focused on the multi-criteria values assessment of build heritage as semantical support and ontological framework for BIM. She has been involved in several European projects; EU-CHIC, CfC and Net- Heritage. She was, among others, researcher at the Institute for Humanities (1994-1999), scientific officer at the Ministry of Culture of Slovenia (2002-2010), national representative at the European Commission for digitization of cultural content (2007-2010) and head of the national Europe for Citizens Programme office. | |