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The Municipality of Unešić possesses on its territory of 188 km2 vast kilometres of drystone walls which were built by our parents and grandparents. Our stone walls have remained in their original form and represent the way of life, work and culture of our ancestors who left these stone walls as a legacy. The Municipality of Unešić is interested in the aims of the project research to improve the availability, understanding and values of Croatian and European cultural heritage. The Municipality of Unešić is ready to offer interested users an insight into the history of drystone wall building techniques as a traditional value of work by Man's hand. The Municipality of Unešić will use in its further work all the technical possibilities available so as to enable the understanding of the project of drystone walls to other peoples and cultures.


Živko Bulat – President


Dr. Franje Tuđmana 40,  22323 Unešić 

Prof. Roberto di Giulio
University of Ferrara, Italy
T his project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020
research and innovation programme under grant agreement No. 665220.